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Get Started with Roam

  • Daily Notes
    • Every day, there is a default note being created
    • In October 2020, I implemented a daily log template for the daily notes for better organization and helps to facilitate some actionable notes
  • Graph Overview
    • All your notes connected together
  • All Pages
    • All your notes listed
  • Shortcuts
    • Add your favorites notes here
  • Note components
    • Page
      • Each note resides on a page, and can be interconnected by referencing it with [[]] or # or ::
      • The difference being that # only supports notes with a single word
    • Block
      • Each point is a block, and can be interconnected between notes by referencing it with (())
    • Typical markdown support with LaTeX math
    • If you click on the bullet of the block, you can open it up to edit on its own
    • ==To highlight== use cmd+h
    • To embed images use ![image] (url), for example yosemite
    • Or I can upload an image by using the backslash and upload from computer
  • Edit themes by adding code to [[roam/css]]